Anemos Dance - SOI Sampler | An exciting insight for what is yet to come

As the world slowly emerges from the life-altering nature of the pandemic,  it is easy to focus on the negative effects that it has had on us and our communities, especially in the club and music industries. However, we must not forget that some incredible things happened during this destructive time as people were pushed to use their creativity in new and innovative ways. The birth of new record label, Anemos Dance, is a perfect example of the genius that thrived, despite the difficulty, and brought something new and beautiful into the world.

Anemos Dance originated from the established Mykonos institution, Moni Club, known for its reputation for booking sophisticated and world-renowned electronic acts and DJs in its intimate, 250-cap space. Last winter, when the world was faced with a gloomy lockdown and clubs were forced to close their doors, Maglia, the co-owner, and Illias, the artist liaison, decided to use the opportunity to their advantage, and instead of shutting shop and leaving the space empty and unused, they converted the nightclub into a music studio, joining forces with Hardt Antoine and DJ Gregory in the process. Eventually, they were able to invite other restless producers to the deserted Island to make music in the new studio, thus resulting in the creation of Anemos Dance. 

Today, we celebrate the label’s first release - a four track sampler of music inspired by their unexpected, raging SOI *not the sauce* pop-up parties that occurred over the summer on their beloved Island. Each track has been created at The Moni Studio by crew and friends alike and are shining examples of the creativity that persevered. 

Their ethos is focused on capturing the true essence and history of the Island, as well as the dancefloor culture that initially brought them there, which is why their first release, that officially arrived on 26th November 2021, is an upbeat and diverse collection of dancefloor favourites from their 2021 post-pandemic season. 

The sampler’s opening track is the melodic beauty, Don’t Leave Me Like That by Malaga-based DJ and producer, Aera. Known for his unique sound and production style that always stands out, Aera has treated us with a delicate and emotive track that reminds us why he is such a powerhouse in the melodic scene. The tune begins with a soft percussion that is soon joined by a simple yet effective chord progression. Already, Aera has created something incredibly moving without doing much at all. We are then greeted by a light and feathery melody that seems to float above the rest of the soundscape as the chord progression subtly evolves into sustained synths that add to the ethereal nature of the track. Don’t Leave Me Like That is rich in texture as two jittery melodies meet around the 3 minute mark, conflicting in rhythms but able to dance around each other, attuned to each other’s journey and creating something so exquisite. This is a track that really shows off Aera’s talent as, whilst he keeps the layering effortlessly simple, the end result boasts of sophistication and very much plays into the emotions that were felt in the summer of 2021 as we were allowed to return to the dancefloors once again in a moment of collective euphoria. 

The following track, Feggari, comes from Moni co-owner, Maglia. Notably darker than it’s predecessor, Feggari draws the listener in with a steady, thumping beat, punctuated with a delicate high-hat. The percussion continues by itself past the one minute mark before the haunting vocals are introduced, accompanied by a sitar that echoes the melody almost one step behind as though following the vocals like a shadow. When first listening to this track, the vocals initially took me by surprise although I was immediately captivated. We’re then treated to the airy sounds of a pan flute, transporting us somewhere far away from here - it is 3 degrees Celsius in London as I write this, yet Feggari makes me feel thousands of miles away. The beat then breaks for the track’s final third as the pan flute continues with it’s refrain and we are reminded of Maglia’s versatility and skill. Feggari is gorgeously mysterious and we are left wondering if what we have just experienced is a little insight into Maglia’s beloved world on Mykonos.

Hardt Antoine’s Unfaithful is up next on the SOI Sampler with an atmospheric track that plays with dark techno grooves and distorted voices. Unfaithful begins frantically, with layers of repeated notes that builds up the listener’s anticipation for what is yet to come. They are soon joined by a deep voice that reverberates around the soundscape, contributing to the enigmatically hypnotic nature of the track, taking the listener into a trance-like state. This track is deliciously dark as low-pitched synths resound throughout, accompanied by a pulsating percussion and a murmuring voice that feels like it’s being whispered into your ear making the soundscape feel huge and chasmic whilst simultaneously being deeply intimate. Hardt Antoine prides himself on being a ‘dancefloor first’ kind of DJ and this track certainly revels in the mystifying and sexy nature of the club. This is the kind of tune that makes you close your eyes in the middle of the dancefloor, forget about those around you and let your body instinctually follow the throbbing rhythms and beats as it takes you on a journey inward and you get lost amongst it all.

The fourth and final track comes in the form of Rhybata by French house music titan, DJ Gregory. This is a tune designed for the dancefloor, with it’s repetitive percussion and steady beat that will keep you side-stepping into the early hours. Rhybata is no fuss and no frills, as DJ Gregory strips it back to basics with his signature drum grooves. He takes his time with the intro, firmly establishing the powerful rhythm before bringing in a repeated note, pulsating like a heartbeat. The soundscape is occasionally punctuated by muffled sounds of someone speaking - what they’re saying is unclear but it serves as a constant reminder that you’re not alone, no matter how hypnotic the beat might be. Rhybata is evidence of DJ Gregory’s incredible skill that has earned him such a highly-regarded reputation. It is a track that improves upon each listening as your ears pick out something different every time, noticing the subtle noises that DJ Gregory has slipped in throughout, whether it be the clap-like percussion that is dotted around the track or the sustained synths that bring with them a celestial quality. It is clear that this track is incredibly detailed and well thought out as DJ Gregory plays with different ways of keeping the listener captivated. 

Since reopening Moni as a music studio, Anemos Dance has built up a robust catalogue of music created within that very space, with roughly 50% produced by Hardt Antoine, Maglia and/or DJ Gregory and 50% from guests, such as Aera, Toto Chiavetta, Gilb-R, Echonomist and Instant. This first release offers us a tantalising taste of this catalogue - an evocative tease of what is yet to come. If the rest of the productions are of a calibre as high as these four tracks then I have no doubt that their subsequent releases will be phenomenal. 

As a final note, I think it is also worth mentioning the definition of the word ‘Soi’ - a term to refer casually to one’s family, relatives, clan and kin. It is clear that this exciting and unique venture has been born out of a wonderful community, and it continues to thrive and form connections with those wanting to be a part of it. Anemos Dance, the Moni Club and The Moni Studio is a family in itself, one that has persevered despite the unpredictable nature of the world, nurturing its kin to create something amazing. 

Review by Lucie Walker

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