Flageolet, Tension | An emotive journey of experimentation

Sum Over Histories has treated us to another standout EP, this time in the form of Tension - a collaborative project by label head Frank Beckers and his partner Birgit under the name ‘Flageolet.’ 

On first listening, it is apparent that Tension is an entirely unique and thought-provoking record. These initial feelings are only furthered upon learning that this 4-track experimental project was born out of the combination of field recordings and soundscapes, with keys, bass, harmonies and percussion all making up the rich texture of each individual song. 

I believe that being aware of the context behind this EP enhances the overall listening experience as the creative process between the two musicians emphasises not only the vast amount of thought that has gone into each track but also the connection that the two musicians have with each other. Collaboration is not a new thing for Birgit and Frankey, as they have been doing so ever since they met in 2001 when Birgit sang vocals on a number of Frankey’s tracks. The pair found the process so enjoyable that it lead to Frankey teaching Birgit some basic Ableton skills and giving her a field recorder. 

Thus, Tension was created out of Birgit’s collection of sound-sources, which the two would then build upon - beginning each track with a distinct sound before adding in synths, keys, percussion and harmonies. For those familiar with Frankey’s previous work, prepare yourself for an EP that takes great strides away from his usual house and techno projects and instead fills your ears with ethereal electronica, although he manages to maintain his recognisable production style. 

The EP kicks off with the title track, Tension. It’s a bold choice to start off with, immediately throwing the listener into a dark, almost foreboding, space that is created by a heavy bass that is then juxtaposed with high synths. The track lives up to it’s name, as it is indeed fraught with tension throughout, exacerbated by the dissonance of the melody that rises and falls, almost as though the track is trying to catch its own breath. Whilst the track begins simply with the reverberating bass, it develops in an exciting way, constantly adding different noises alongside Birgit’s soundscapes, resulting in a tune that is rich with texture. Starting off an EP with such a daring track that instantly thrusts the listener into the midst of it all is a risky decision, but one that I believe has paid off. Already, Flageolet has captured the audience in an atmosphere of anticipation, as we anxiously wait to hear what comes next.

The following track, First Light, is quite a change to Tension in tone and style. The heavy bass has been replaced by the calming sound of rain against a window and a hypnotic refrain is gently introduced. The rain disappears after the first minute of the track though the repeated melody continues, soon to be joined floaty synths and accompanied by a clapping percussion. This emotive track is much softer in nature than it’s predecessor but it’s not any less atmospheric by any means. The hypnotic refrain maintains a sense of constant movement as though the listener is going on a journey - I imagine it almost like being caught in a forest during a rainfall and waiting for things to ease until the grey clouds clear and you can see the first light post-storm breaking through the branches. Electronic music and the natural world are often pitted against each other as opposites, existing in conflict. It’s tracks like this, however, that argue that the two can co-exist in a harmonious and beautiful way as nature is explored through the combination of natural and electronic sounds.

We are greeted by a change in pace once again with the next track Chose. It’s pulsating beat reminds me of a heartbeat as the song maintains a slow, steady rhythm that is complimented by rattles and synths. Chose echoes the tension felt in the first track with an ominous ambience that keeps the listener captivated, unsure of what is yet to come. The vocals come as a pleasant surprise - something I was not expecting after the previous two tracks - as they add to the mysterious and futuristic energy that runs through the song, restricting the lyrics to single words that punctuate the soundscape. This track feels unnervingly intimate. We hear Frankey and Birgit whispering these words to each other, strung together nonsensically, almost like a secret language or ritualistic chant that we have been drawn into. Although we may not understand the significance these words hold for Flageolet, by including us in this visceral moment we are able to draw our own interpretation from them and relate them back to ourselves in a deeply personal way. Flageolet has created a tune that is so sublimely enigmatic and that provides us with a poignant insight into the connection that Frankey and Birgit share. 

The final track Time continues the slow-moving beat as it opens with a rhythmic refrain that remains steady throughout the duration of the song. This, alongside the woodwind and provocative field recordings, evokes images of clocks ticking and the passing of time.  Time is refreshingly clever in it’s usage of familiar sounds, such as the camera shutter, being repurposed to create it’s own soundscape and ambience. When first listening to Tension, the suspense that was generated in the opening track led me to anticipate a climatic final song that would almost resolve the tension that had been steadily built throughout the EP. Time, however, quashed this expectation in the most remarkable way by introducing another track that cultivated the tension as opposed to reconciling it. Although this was certainly not the climatic finish I was expecting, it was more satisfying, as Flageolet brings the EP full circle, allowing the listener to become lost in four tracks of atmospheric and enigmatic beauty. 

The release of Tension coincides with Frankey and Birgit’s 20 year anniversary and, whilst Time could be understood as a portrayal of their time together, I also believe that the whole EP, with it’s cyclical nature, represents the endlessness of their partnership, especially now that it has been immortalised through this collaborative project. With this in mind, the tension that we felt at the beginning of the EP no longer feels foreboding, but rather open and compelling as Flageolet welcomes us into their arms. The concurrent theme of nature also gently reminds us the of prevailing natural world and how we will eventually return to it once our time is up.

Experimental projects are always a risk, and this EP is a risk that has certainly paid off for Flageolet. Tension is as daring as it is brilliant and keeps it’s listeners enthralled with four tracks that are diverse, emotive and complex yet sustain the ambiguous tension, taking us on a journey with twists and turns and endless surprises. Frankey and Birgit are reluctant to assign genres to their project, and this is a choice I respect - Tension feels as though it is above genre labels, it could not feasibly be boxed into any one of them. It is entirely its own thing, grown organically out of the creativity and bond of its creators. I really look forward to seeing what else is born out of this fascinating partnership and where else they may go. 

review by lucie walker

Coralie Lauren